To help humans in persistent pain rediscover their identity, and their joy in movement without fear, anxiety or confusion.


Through the utilization of one on one treatments, virtual consultations, and monthly strength and conditioning programming our hope is to empower people to understand more about their bodies and movement by learning to accept and cope with pain, while establishing a growing community of individuals that promotes social connection, empathy and compassion.



Movement and pain can be opportunities.  Opportunities to grow and learn about yourself, your body, and your capabilities.  It is ok to smile and laugh along the way.  It used to be the best medicine!


We will never tell you can’t, shouldn’t, or won’t.  We will work together to educate you on a realistic prognosis and advice to keep you as healthy and safe as possible with ideas for movement modification - not avoidance - while you are on your journey to your goals.

Empathy and Compassion. 

One of the biggest opportunities in healthcare is the inability for medical professionals to empathize with patients and treat them as more than a diagnosis.  Through active listening and teamwork, we will develop a plan that not only makes sense, but that you are a part of. At SiM your goals will always be just as important to me as they are to you.