Move yourself forward


We want to guide you on your journey back to health and movement, so you can help yourself and others along the way.

At SiM we believe that Physical Therapy should not simply focus on “fixing” what is in pain, but rather enhancing human potential and shifting common misconceptions on health through guided education and movement. Rehabilitation should not be focused on bringing you back to who you were, it should make the most of who you are.

If you are feeling stuck or frustrated with your current rehabilitation program, allow us the opportunity to help you move forward.


Pain can take away many things. Don’t let your identity be one of them.


There is a shift coming in physical therapy.

We are beginning to understand that you are not merely your symptoms or diagnosis. You are a person that needs more than cookie cutter approaches to your rehabilitation and recovery.

Life happens and our aim is to get you back to it as quickly as possible, with a better understanding of your body, and with more confidence and certainty.

Come experience the difference for yourself.

Rehab on Your
Time with Flexible Scheduling

You do not heal from 9-5, so why rehab that way?

Extended morning,
evening and online consultations are available for your convenience.

Not looking for Physical Therapy?

We also offer individual strength and conditioning programming!

Click the link to learn more about how you can join the team!